poster that lets readers know about the cabin for casa event

CASA is excited to announce the 5th annual Cabin for CASA, a Lynn Robertson DeMent Memorial Fundraiser. Every year, we’re amazed by the individuals and businesses who come out to help support CASA’s mission of providing affordable housing in Raleigh and North Carolina’s Research Triangle.

Mark your calendars for Cabin for CASA:

September 20, 2018 | 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Whitaker & Atlantic 1053 E Whitaker Mill Rd, Raleigh

Become a Cabin for CASA Sponsor and Help Us End Homelessness in the Triangle

Cabin for CASA is CASA’s main yearly fundraising event, held to honor the vision of our former Board member, Lynn Robertson DeMent. The event makes for a fun evening with live music, drinks, and catered food. There are also raffles and silent auctions for prizes like meals out, getaways, and more.

Keep up with our website to learn more about the event.

Sponsorship Categories

There are a variety of different sponsorship levels for our event, and each comes with unique benefits. These include:

Harvest Sponsorship ($500): Harvest sponsorship supports a CASA household for 2 months. Sponsors at this stage receive 2 complimentary tickets and:

  • Business name recognition in mailed invitations
  • Listing on event posters

Cottage Sponsorship ($1,000): At this level you’re paying for 4 months of housing for one of our tenants. Cottage Sponsors receive 4 tickets and:

  • The benefits included at the Harvest level

Barnraising Sponsorship ($1,500): Our Barnraising sponsors are keeping tenants in their homes for 6 months. At this level, you also get 6 complimentary tickets and:

  • All the benefits included at the Cottage level
  • A web link on the CASA website
  • A live mention at the event

Homecoming Sponsorship ($3,000): A Homecoming sponsorship supports a CASA household for a year. You will also get 8 tickets to the Cabin for CASA event and:

  • All the benefits included at the Barnraising level
  • Your logo featured on event invitations
  • Your logo listed on event posters

Title Sponsors ($5,000): Our most generous sponsors receive 10 complimentary event tickets in addition to:

  • All the benefits included at the Homecoming level
  • A chance to speak at the Cabin for CASA

Make sure your donations or pledges are in by August 3 to be included on the invitation.

Help CASA Build and Manage Homes for Those Who Need Them

For over 25 years, CASA has been working to provide affordable, high-quality apartment homes to people living with a disability, people living in poverty, and veterans. We currently manage nearly 500 homes across Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and the surrounding areas, but our work isn’t done until all of our neighbors have quality, affordable, permanent housing.

By becoming a sponsor, you’re becoming invaluable contributors to our mission. If you’re interested in being a sponsor, contact Missy Hatley at (919) 307-3435 or email her at